BC Assessment 2025: Think Your Notice of Assessment is Incorrect?
BC Assessment 2025 | How to Appeal Your BC Assessment
Every January, homeowners across British Columbia receive their Notice of Assessment, which outlines the assessed value of their property as of the previous July. In the Lower Mainland alone, over 1.1 million properties are evaluated annually. While this document plays a critical role in determining property taxes, it’s essential to review it carefully to ensure all information is accurate and reflects the current market value. If you believe your assessment is incorrect, you can go through a process to appeal and have it reviewed. In this blog, we’ll explain the steps on how to appeal your BC Assessment.

January 31, 2025 – Deadline to file a Notice of Complaint.
February 1 to March 15, 2025 – PARP Hearings.
March 16, 2025 – Final decisions rendered.
April 7, 2025 – Decision Notices mailed.
April 30, 2025 – Deadline to appeal to PAAB.
“The assessment value of a property is the value of its land and improvements (building and fixtures) and is used to determine annual property taxes.
The assessed value of a property is independently determined by BC Assessment.”
Retrieved from: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/governments/local-governments/finance/requisition-taxation/local-government-taxation/property-assessment-classes
What to Do if Your Notice of Assessment Is Incorrect
Step 1: Contact BC Assessment
If you suspect an error in your Notice of Assessment, your first step is to reach out to your local BC Assessment office. Their contact information is provided on the front of your notice. An appraiser can:
Review your property file.
Explain how your property’s value was determined.
Provide comparable sales data from your neighborhood.
Often, concerns can be resolved without proceeding to a formal review.
Step 2: Request a Review
If you’re unsatisfied after speaking with BC Assessment, you can file a formal appeal through the Property Assessment Review Panel (PARP). This must be done by January 31, 2025. Your appeal, known as a Notice of Complaint, must include:
The reason for your appeal (note that general dissatisfaction or percent change is not valid).
Your Property Assessment Roll number, property description, and contact information.
If applicable, the name and contact information of your appointed representative.
Hearings typically occur between February 1 and March 15, 2025. Once your appeal is filed, you’ll receive a Notice of Hearing with the date and time of your review.
Step 3: Prepare for Your Hearing
The burden of proof lies with the property owner. Gather evidence to support your case, such as comparable sales data or information about errors in your assessment. Submissions for hearings held via conference call should be uploaded to the PARP Online Evidence Submission System (POESS) at least one day before your hearing.
Hearings generally last 30 minutes, during which you’ll present your case. The panel will deliberate and issue a decision by March 16, 2025, with formal notices mailed by April 7.
Step 4: Seek Professional Assistance
The burden of proof lies with the property owner. Gather evidence to support your case, such as comparable sales data or information about errors in your assessment. Submissions for hearings held via conference call should be uploaded to the PARP Online Evidence Submission System (POESS) at least one day before your hearing.
Hearings generally last 30 minutes, during which you’ll present your case. The panel will deliberate and issue a decision by March 16, 2025, with formal notices mailed by April 7.
Step 5: After Your Hearing
The panel may confirm, amend, or reject your assessment. If you’re dissatisfied with the outcome, you can file an appeal with the Property Assessment Appeal Board (PAAB) by April 30, 2025. Details about this process are available at assessmentappeal.bc.ca.
Why you should hire westech appraisal for your appeal
When it comes to appealing your BC Assessment, having the right support can make all the difference. Navigating the appeal process can be complex, and the stakes are high especially when your property value impacts your taxes. That’s where Westech Appraisal comes in.
Filing an appeal can be overwhelming, especially if you’re not familiar with the process. Hiring an independent appraiser from Westech Appraisal gives you peace of mind, knowing that your case is being handled by professionals. With years of experience and an understanding of local market trends, Westech ensures that your appeal package is complete, well-documented, and backed by expert analysis. This greatly increases the chances of a successful outcome.
WesTech Appraisal is your trusted Lower mainland appraiser of choice, offering you the best experience and the highest quality service. Contact us today to find out how we can help you with your appraisal needs.
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